1133 Avenue of the Americas

1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, United States 10036

High Risk


This health score has been calculated by our Infection Risk Indicator.

The content, tips, and any other information provided by BAIOTEQ Inc. (hereinafter “we,” “us,” or “our”) through our website, application(s), technology, or by any other means (collectively, the “Information”) is not — and shall not be construed as — medical advice. We provide the Information in good faith, but make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, concerning the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of the Information. We provide no medical advice nor diagnostic or treatment capabilities of any kind. We offer the Information for educational and informational purposes only, and it shall not be used, or substituted for, professional medical consultation, diagnosis, treatment, or any other medical advice or information. Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you or any third parties for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use and/or reliance on the Information. Your use and/or reliance on the Information is solely at your own risk.

Backed by Science. Verified by Experts.

In a world of opinions, we deal in facts -evidence based, credible facts. We lean on specialists to help seperate the spin from the truth of the matter.

The Process

In-person Testing

A BAIOTEQ expert anonymously visits the facility to collect data on air quality and predict the infection risk at the facility.

Public Data

If in-person testing is not feasible, BAIOTEQ experts leverage publicly available data to predict infection risk.

Infection Risk Indicator

Finally, we process this data through our proprietary infection risk indicator to predict infection risk.


Frequently Asked

What is BAIOTEQ?

BAIOTEQ is a government funded social enterprise that was established exclusively to prevent outbreaks with the power of Web3. BAIOTEQ was the 1st company in Canada to use AI to detect COVID-19. Since then, we have received support from the Govt. of Canada- National Research Council of Canada, Amazon, University of New Brunswick and Dalhousie Medicine to name a few. 

This is not business as usual. BAIOTEQ funds building health assessments around the globe. To date, we’ve funded building health assessments of thousands of buildings.

What is a social enterprise?

Put simply, a social enterprise is an organisation that applies commercial strategies to maximise improvements in human and environmental well-being. BAIOTEQ is a social enterprise that exists for the sole purpose of preventing future outbreaks by enhancing global biosecurity.

What is biosecurity? What is Web 3?

Biosecurity enables organizations to prepare, prevent, and rapidly respond to biological threats to keep people safe and maintain business continuity. Biosecurity measures are centered around the health and wellbeing of employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

Web 2.0 is the current version of the Internet; Web3 is the next generation of the internet, one that prioritises decentralised protocols such as blockchain. All major organisations have already started to embrace Web3.

How does BAIOTEQ's biosecurity platform work? What is the $BAIO token?

Health Map: Free building health map to see if the buildings near you are a health risk, trusted by over 1M+ users.
$BAIO Token: Crypto token reward for users who provide building health data for the BAIOTEQ building health map.
Certification: Get certified & earn $BAIO tokens for safe & healthy spaces that protect occupants & promote anti-aging.

The $BAIO token is an ethereum-based ERC-20 token with a 1,000,000,000 token supply. It will be made available to the general public in Q3 2022. $BAIO is the platform's reward currency, and enhanced documentation will be available in Q2 2022.

What is the science behind BAIOTEQ's Health Map?

In 2020, BAIOTEQ created the revolutionary 8 stage biosecurity framework for healthy buildings. This biosecurity framework was based on the last 50 years of medical research and was made possible by the support of the National Research of Canada, Dalhousie University and the University of New Brunswick.

In 2021, we invested significant resources to make an AI driven version of our biosecurity framework that was accessible. This led to the launch of our Infection Risk Indicator. By leveraging air quality data, BAIOTEQ's Infection Risk Indicator can predict the probability of an infectious disease outbreak in any space. This is what powers our building health map.

What is the $BAIO token?

The $BAIO token is an ethereum-based ERC-20 token with a 1,000,000,000 token supply. It will be made available to the general public in Q3 2022. $BAIO is the platform's reward currency, and enhanced documentation will be available in Q2 2022.

How can I submit data for health map? How will I receive my reward?

During this early stage, we advise you to contact us and share the building's CO2 (in ppm), PM2.5 (in μg/m3), temperature (in celcius), and humidity (in RH). Also, share your web3 wallet address.

What biosecurity certifications can my facility get?

BAIOTEQ's biosecurity certifications are designed to create safe & healthy spaces that protect occupant health, promote anti-aging and boost revenue. Our blockchain based 'Healthy Building' certification uses our infection risk indicator framework and is 100% free. Our 'BAIOTEQ Star of Health & Safety' certification uses our comprehensive 8 stage biosecurity framework and is a fully-managed biosecurity service with dedicated biosecurity experts and AI/IoT Sensors. Pricing starts at $1000/mo.

Healthy Buildings

Some of the buildings tested by our biosecurity experts.

This is Next-Gen Biosecurity.
Backed by Science.

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